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What makes you feel hot during massage?
關懷愛滋 AIDS CONCERN - 性/別小眾友善醫療推廣計畫 LGBT Friendly

Idk, nothing special but what makes you feel high aroused and really comfortable during a normal body massage?

I've been to many spas in Thailand and realised many massagist have different ways to start me up... I just feel high listening to other people's experiences hahaha...

I love how in Thai massage the massagist secretly loves to stimulate my nipples and I get wet immediately hehehe... No its not sweat haha well we are 70% water anyways...

Or when another massagist in Hong Kong, I remember in Hugo Spa press his strong body on top of me, I felt controlled and super excited about getting my body taking over and my senses taken to places new limits I never know of or been before...

So any new stuff? I started two good tactics, please happily open up and share more! Xox...
i love masseur with big dick n great skills. i think hugo spa is a must-go spa in Hong Kong for gays all around the world .
I guess having their hot stick erected hard and pointing at your are at gun point feels amazing...
go to gay spa ithink most comfortable, itis very funny。
i will touch the massures let us enjoy
i love masseur with big dick n great skills. i think hugo spa is a must-go spa in Hong Kong for gays all around the world .
Call me!
Heart Not bad
good massage ishot
Any sexual preference in specific?

Jack'd - Gay Dating [ジャックト]

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