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Cleanest of the Penis Head
關懷愛滋 AIDS CONCERN - 性/別小眾友善醫療推廣計畫 LGBT Friendly

Guys I want to know one thing, you guys have penis following you for over years... how come many of us just arent aware of our ability to pull down the foreskin to cleanse it properly during a shower? Its frustrating and I am sick and tired of having to pull down the foreskin ready to suck and only to witness a bnch of dickcheese stuck around the foreskin, how can I suck for you? It is lack of self physical understanding here man, I mean how much can it hurt, how much is it hurts compared to long term dirtiness? How can we stand bacteria sleeping with us on our penis, so much every night? Stuffed for years without cleaning like, the infection... Common guys any similar experiences available for share?

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