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HK businesses say same-sex spousal visa ruling will attract fresh talent to the city
關懷愛滋 AIDS CONCERN - 性/別小眾友善醫療推廣計畫 LGBT Friendly

Actually this is just stupid. Burger King your post only focus about the economy and think about money. But money isn't everything. I am bisexual but if this shit happens sooner or later Hong Kong is going to be full as fuck and off your false dream for opportunities for all. This is just sick, naturally humans marry for procreation and that's how we get the visa because we need to be able to create long term business to sustain the family, now if everyone can get the visa then the visa loses its value. I mean I think homosexual sex is fine but marriage is just unnecessary I mean they aren't going to procreate anyways and it will be unnecessary cost for society to support them as they grow old and retire.

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RE: HK businesses say same-sex spousal visa ruling will attract fresh talent to the city - by Fuckmyass - 2018-07-05, 11:27 AM

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