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音乐学院校草被凌辱 |
Posted by: askaboy - 2018-07-27, 03:32 AM - Forum: Boys Love Stories 男同志小說 / BL漫畫 + Tumblr sharing
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柏然的好朋友辛博是指挥系的高才生。他也是指挥系的系草。不过,辛博的性格可不象柏然那么文静,稍稍的有一点喜欢好动嬉闹,他的身材和一样柏然一样那么苗条,而是比起柏然略显健壮了一些。辛博有一双非常清澈的很帅眼睛,略带忧郁楚楚动人,说话时候诚恳地望着人,令人心生怜爱。 今天辛博的头发有些乱,却更添一份不羁的帅气。
啊。。。,晚上十一点多,柏然大大地伸了一个懒腰。整个大厅里就柏然和辛博两人, 所以也不用顾忌纯情帅哥的形像,可以随便伸懒腰。整个一个晚上都在图书馆里查有关小提琴历史发展的资料,准备写一篇相关论文。谁让自己选修了音乐史 这门有名没意思的课呢?旁边的辛博也好不了多少,他也选了这门课,正在查指挥系统的发展呢。“回去吧回去吧”,柏然摇着辛博的胳膊。“明天再看好了” “别烦”辛博心里烦的时候从来对别人没好脸色,对柏然也不例外“回去啦”,柏然继续摇着辛博的胳膊。“论文要再过两个礼拜才交呢,再说,反正图书馆马上也要关门了,你不想回去吃宵夜吗?” “嗯?已经这么晚了?”辛博看了看手腕上的潜水表,“你一说我还真挺饿的,哎我说,你的减肥计划又终止啦” “哼,我减肥?你还是看看你自己吧。”柏然叫着辛博的外号“好哇”辛博开玩笑地把柏然的手打开。“看我怎么收拾你。。。”辛博笑着骂道。
两人就这么说说笑笑往宿舍走去。虽说是夏天,但是今天不热,柏然穿着衬衫和牛仔裤还有点冷。辛博身体向来好,所以虽然只穿了件T血和一条低腰牛仔短裤,一点事也没有。“今天月亮真好”柏然说。 “别月亮月亮了,赶快回宿舍吧,我饿死了”辛博拉着柏然的胳膊就直接进了工地。他们从来都是穿过工地回宿舍,这样可以省十分钟的路呢。工地里没灯也没人,黑乎乎的,要是一个人柏然可不敢,不过跟着辛博就好多了不知为什么,今天一进工地柏然就隐隐觉得什么地方不对,但是又说不出为什么。
“你听见什么吗?” 他问辛博。
“什么呀” ,辛博说。
“我怎么什么都听不见,你又害怕了吧”。辛博勉强笑了笑,说。“不过我们还是快走吧” ,辛博接着说。想了想,又加了个理由,“赶快回宿舍吃宵夜吧,我满饿的”两人快步急走。这次辛博好像也听到那种沙沙的声音,而且似乎前后左右都有人似的。他们都是[font]音乐学院[/font]的高才生,一向听力敏锐,但是今天实在无法辨别到底是真的有什么声音或者根本就是幻觉。只是心里越来越慌乱。到后来柏然索性小跑起来,辛博则在后面大步跟着。今天的工地显得特别阴森。虽然月色很好,但是反而衬托出各种柱子、矮墙奇形怪状的阴影。
“好了”,辛博终於看到工地的尽头。大概只有五十几米就出了这片半截子建筑。“五十米,要是跑的话几秒就到了” 辛博安慰自己。他对自己为什么今天这么胆小 也感到好笑。“不行,得表现酷一点,等会儿回了宿舍才好笑话柏然。” 辛博对自己说。於是他笑着对前面的柏然道:“跑那么快干吗,等一下我” 。
“妖怪、怪物” 这是辛博的第一反应。他吓得往边上猛地一跳。怪物发现辛博发现了自己,狞笑着扑了上来,动作极其敏捷彪捍。辛博总算及时记起自己学的散打套 路,一个飞腿向怪物踢去,同时身体向后急闪,希望能阻挡怪物一下,以便返身尽快跑出工地。但是身体还没落地站稳,就被后面突如其来的两只胳膊紧紧抱住。辛博大吃一惊,几乎是疯狂地想要挣脱出来,同时开口准备呼救,却又被一只巨手从后来猛地捂住嘴巴,只能发出乌乌的压抑的声音。这时候怪物已经冲到辛博的身前。辛博这才看清,原来是个身材高大的人带了个猿猴面具。虽然来者不是怪物,但是肯定不是好人。辛博忽然两腿离地,一起向猿猴人踢去。猿猴人看辛博已经被自己方面的两个人抱住,不提防他还能进攻,一下自被踢中下腹倒跌出去,发出一声怒骂:“操!”
那边柏然的情况也不怎么样。柏然也被两个人从左右的黑暗里突然冲出架住,过分惊吓之下柏然晕了过去。辛博虽然踢了猿猴人一脚,但是情况也很糟。后面抱着辛博的那人非常强壮,见此加大了两臂的力量,辛博虽然比较健康,必竟是也只是个学生而已,被夹得几乎喘不过气来 。而双腿则被原来捂嘴的人捞住分别夹紧在他的两个臂弯里。虽然辛博使劲挣扎,不过能在空中扭来扭去而已。这时猿猴人已经爬起,辛博刚想大叫,嘴巴又被人一把有强力胶带捂住,这次彻底发不出喊声。
辛博这下看清楚了,对方一共五个人,两个人抬起了显然已经昏过去的柏然,三个人抬这自己,包括那个猿猴人。事实上所有的人都带了个猿猴面具。他们似乎对这里的环境已经很熟悉,非常默契地抬着一动不动的柏然和不断扭来扭去的辛博向同工地深处的一个方向走去。大概觉得辛博扭得太厉害了,抱住辛博腰的那个猿猴人狠狠地对着辛博的小肚子来了一拳。“老实点” 他低声吼道。这一拳打得辛博眼泪 都快流出来了,同时脑子也清醒了一点。“这么扭下去是毫无意义的,反而浪费体力” 辛博想。伴随着一声被捂在强力胶带后面的压抑的呻吟,辛博不再那么用力地 挣扎。“老大真有你的” 抬着辛博头的那个猿猴人笑到。“贱骨头” ,被称为老大 的猿猴人用沙哑的嗓子骂了一声,同时狠狠地隔着T血捏了辛博的胸部一下,“呜。。。。” 辛博疼得有闷哼一声。
刷的一声,室内骤然从只有一个手电筒的微光变得雪亮。辛博一下自适应不了,眼睛被刺得睁不开。紧接着通的一声,自己象个口袋一样被一直抱着自己的猿猴人扔在了地上。边上也紧接着通的一声,估计柏然也被扔在地上。地面是一层粗糙的水泥,又硬又冷,加上 碎石和细沙,疼得辛博差点昏过去。边上柏然则低声呻吟一声,似乎是被疼得醒了过来。五个猿猴人则开始肆无忌惮地欢呼。“成了” “哈哈,这下美了” “ 居然是两个大帅哥 ” “老三你选的这个地方真不错” 。。。
辛博睁开眼睛,发现柏然就在自己身边,也正在试着睁眼适应室内的亮光。两个人互相搀扶着站了起来,第一次打量袭击自己的猿猴人和周围的环境。这里是建筑工地地下室的下一层,修好以后应该是大游泳池的所在地,非常大的一个大厅。因为没有修好,所有的地面和墙壁都是粗糙的水泥,有的地方连固定水泥用的草席或者木板还没拿下来。大游泳池的轮廓倒是有了,是个50X30米的水泥底大坑,五个猿猴人和两个帅哥现在就站在这个坑的坑底。现在所在地应该是将来的浅说区,周围是一米高的水泥坑壁。坑斜斜地向另一头延伸,在另一头坑壁大概变得有三米高。整个大厅随着铁门的反锁被封闭,离工地的地面还有两层,别说工地上一般没人,就算是有人,这里的大喊大 叫也不会被听见。大厅的四周挂着十几个大功率的白帜灯,大概是以前停工的时候整个工地上的照明设备都被集中扔在这里,现在照得整个大厅象白天一样亮。虽然是夏天,但是因为是地下室,所以温度很低,加上害怕,柏然一直在不停地打抖。
“哈哈,欢迎来我们色狼帮作客” 。狐狸眼首先流利流气地说话。
“你们到底想干什么?” 辛博鼓气勇气反问道。
“哈哈,嘻嘻。。。” 五个中学生报以一阵嘻笑。“干什么?当然是干你们啦” 刀疤脸阴笑道。说晚两眼肆无忌惮地上下打量着两个帅哥,连续停留在两人因紧张和愤怒而剧烈起伏的胸脯和抖动不止的双腿。在这种眼光下,柏然和辛博都有虽然穿着衣服却无可逃避的感觉。“还等什么,你们脸蛋这么很帅,赶快让我们看看你们的身材是不是也一样很帅” 狐狸眼跟着说。
“什么。。。” 虽然早就知道这五个流氓大概要干什么,但是真地说出来还是让柏然和辛博吓了一跳。虽然柏然的聪明和辛博的干练在[font]音乐学院[/font]都很有名,但是现在两个人谁也没有办法,也不知道应该干什么,只好呆呆地站着。
“他妈的,快脱!” 五个流氓里年纪最小的那个初中生虽然人小,下手却一点不留情,他原本站在两人身后,一脚踢在柏然屁股上,把比他大六七岁的柏然跌跌撞撞踢出去一下跌到矮墩子怀里。“哈哈哈,这么着急啊” 矮墩子一把抱住柏然,肆无忌惮地扭着他的胸部。
“住手” 辛博冲了过来,一把把柏然拦在自己身后。刚要说什么,忽然惨呼一声,被高个子一拳打倒在地,痛苦地扭动着。一直没有出声的高个子下手竟是五个人里最狠的。在他面前两名男生根本没有还手的力量。辛博倒在地上,疼得两眼冒金星,刚想爬起来,只见高个子托托两声把球鞋甩掉,他原本没有穿袜子,就那么光着脚踏过满是石子沙子的水泥地走过来,一脚把辛博的脸踩在脚底。一股脚丫子的恶臭差点把辛博熏晕过去。辛博的左脸被高个子的脚丫子踩着,右脸被压在水泥地上的一个草垫辛博的双手无助地抓着高个子的脚脖子,徒劳地想把高个子的脚移开,却根本摇撼不动高个子一米九几的身躯。初中生伏下身子,看着辛博在臭脚丫子和水泥地之间被挤压变形的脸,哈哈大笑“这下帅哥可不很帅了” ,说完也学高个子,甩掉球鞋,拿穿着臭袜子的脚去揉辛博因为被挤压而翘起来的鼻子。
“哈哈,瘦帅哥” ,狐狸眼向着在边上吓得动弹不得的柏然说道“你要想胖帅哥的头不被踩爆,就赶快自己把衣服脱光吧。” 柏然被吓得思想一阵空白。根本动不了。“啊。。。” 地下辛博的一阵惨呼把他惊醒。
高个子全力地踩着辛博的头,仿佛是踩灭一个烟头。辛博的短发凄惨地散开在他的光脚和 水泥地之间,健康的身体徒劳地在地上扭动着。
“你裤子的屁股上还印着我的脚印呢” 初中生怪笑道,“快脱了,让我们看看你真正的光屁股吧”
他的细微动作没有逃脱狐狸眼的观察。“哈哈,帅哥下决心了,脱衣SHOW开始” 柏然对侮辱的话充耳不闻。他今天穿着一件短袖衬衫,下身和辛博一样也是穿的低腰牛仔裤。柏然的手颤抖着解开了衬衫的扣子,一颗。。。两颗。“快脱阿” 矮墩子怪叫道。柏然慢慢地把衬衫脱了下去。
五个流氓似乎是被柏然帅帅的半裸惊呆了,一时没人说话。忽然,初中生虎和矮墩“呀虎” 怪叫一声,欺上前来,两下把柏然带这初中生脚印的裤子和内裤扯了下来,随后退后,把破烂裤子和内裤远远地扔开。柏然除了脚上的袜子和鞋子,全身精光赤裸。他羞辱地低下头,两手护着露出的下身。“还挡什么呀” 初中生笑道,“挡的了前面,你的光溜溜的屁股可露着呢” ,说完伸手恶狠很地掐了一把柏然的光屁股蛋,“真软,真滑” 。柏然一把护住自己的光屁股,含羞忍辱地躲开,转过身子,在五个流氓的包围下赤身裸体,无处躲藏。
“哈哈,被掐完屁股,还想让我掐胸部” 初中生一直在柏然背后,现在总算看到柏然的正面。“老规矩,从小往大来” 老大发话。“好啊” 初中生不知什么时候已经脱掉了脏西西的T血和短裤,挺着30厘米长的阴茎,光着屁股就穿着双又脏又臭的球袜踏着水泥地向柏然走去。
柏然本能地想往后躲,没两步,光屁股却撞到了一个热呼呼的东西。“这么着急,等老五老四他们都上了你才轮到我呢” 狐狸眼哈哈大笑,五个流氓不知什么时候都脱光了衣服,晃着各自丑陋的阴茎向柏然嘲弄。
柏然还想躲,双手被狐狸眼从后头紧紧抓住,紧跟着膝盖被人一点,不由自主跪在了地上的草垫子上。狐狸眼腾出一只手,抓住柏然的头发把他的头向后,顶着个热乎乎的肉棍,狐狸眼的阴茎在柏然纤细的脖子上蹭着,两只毛绒绒的大黑腿在柏然光滑的裸背上磨着,两只大臭脚还抵着柏然的光屁股。不过柏然没时间管这些,因为初中生已经来到他的面前,左右开弓,用自己的大阴茎打着柏然的耳光。柏然被人拿阴茎打着脸,由自主地张开,热乎乎的阴茎竟然捅进了柏然的嘴里,不管三七二十一乱捣,弄得柏然的舌头无处可放,脸蛋则被捅得时高时低。“他妈的,这光屁股帅哥还不会用嘴侍候人” 初中生骂道,尽管实际上柏然大他至少七、八岁。
忽然,一个热呼呼的肉棒顶在了柏然的后面…“不要” ,柏然几乎是用尽力气地喊。“帅哥,觉悟吧” 大笑声中,那个肉棒,沾满了柏然的口水,滑进了柏然的肛门。“ 啊。。。” 柏然两条光溜溜的的玉腿痉挛似地举起,夹住初中生的腰,两知光脚架在他紧蹦蹦的屁股上,一声长长的惨叫标志着他处男纯洁的最后防线的陷落。
三个流氓中矮墩子排行最小,按规矩先来。矮墩子搂着辛博一起倒在柏然边上的一个草垫子上。辛博死了心,决定接受命运中不可抗拒的污辱,没有激烈反抗。矮墩子也喜欢拿自己的阴茎打美丽的光着身子的帅哥的脸,辛博只是闭着眼睛默默忍受。甚至当矮墩子把阴茎硬杵进辛博嘴里的时候,辛博也只是顺从的把嘴张得大开。看着很帅能干的[font]音乐学院[/font]高才生含着自己又粗又脏的阴茎,矮墩子不由性欲高涨。不过看着辛博逆来顺受的样子,颇没有征服感。他打了个手势,边上的刀疤脸和高个子心领神会,淫笑着按住辛博光溜溜的肩膀,把他彻底按住仰躺在地上。然后两人一人抓住辛博的一只脚踝,把他的身子扳成 Z型,双脚高过双肩,彻底露出少男私处。辛博虽然做好思想准备被流氓侮辱,准备被男孩的阴茎捅进自己的肛门并在自己的肚皮里射精,但是这样羞辱的姿势还是让他受不了。但是现在反抗已经晚了,辛博的双脚被两个流氓紧紧握住,再也翻不回去,双手则分别被踩在身体两边,整个躯体雪白光溜,完全没有抵抗的能力。矮墩子用手胡乱搓着辛博的阴毛,手指头胡乱捅着。辛博发誓自己虽然立刻就要被人强奸,但是绝对不又哭又踢,象边上的柏然那样白白地刺激侵犯者更加疯狂。他贝赤咬唇,短发零乱,双肩因为紧张而锁骨深陷。
矮墩子跪在辛博之前,拿着又粗又大的阴茎在辛博的光屁股蛋和大腿内侧打着,慢慢接近辛博的肛门。辛博光着身子仰躺着被摁在地上,等待着悲惨的命运。他怎么料得到前面命运之屈辱根本不是他所能想象。只觉得屁股眼一热,矮墩自竟然没有直接进入他的肛门,而是把龟头最粗的部分顶进到辛博的肛门中,没有继续进入。“阿。。。” 辛博在这意料不到的打击下终於不争气地叫出声。
他所能做的就是尽量收缩臀大肌来防止后庭被丑恶的阴茎插入。但是矮墩子似乎很有经验,他只是不禁不慢地把阴茎在辛博的屁眼外戳着。每秒钟对他来说都是主动在握,可是辛博却不敢不时刻把屁眼夹紧,精神上还要忍受几个流氓“真紧” 之类的话语侮辱,更何况几个流氓一会捏捏辛博的鼻子,拍拍他的脸蛋,揉揉他的胸部,然后在用力的掐一下已经垂头丧气般的阴茎,甚至扯他的阴毛现在辛博全身几乎所有地方已经被几个流氓开发了个遍。随着对屁眼和阴茎等处攻击的时紧时松,辛博可爱的脚掌被刀巴脸和高个子纂在手里,一会儿脚趾紧缩,一会儿痉挛地向反方向翘去,不一会辛博已经是满身大汗。
矮墩子久攻不下,也有点着急。他猛地向高举在空中辛博的脚底板挖去。又疼又痒的感觉使得辛博猛一阵扑腾,象个翻不过来的乌龟一样四肢抽动,终於屁眼一松。矮墩子的阴茎长驱直入。“唉呀。。。” 疼痛和屈辱终於使得辛博眼泪长流。在流氓得胜的嘲笑中, 辛博赤裸的身体无力地抽动着,继续为人作为肆意取乐的工具。在边上的狐狸眼看得高兴,狞笑道:“帅哥嘛,就是光溜溜香喷喷给男人玩的玩具,就算你心里狠死我们了,但是你的身体却不得不继续为我们玩弄,哈哈哈哈。”
矮墩子边干边道:“奇怪啊,这个胖帅哥不臭呢” 。原来辛博自中学起就养成晚上十点左右上晚自习时排便的习惯,现在直肠里根本没有异物,加上最近是夏天吃得又清淡,所以屁眼在矮墩子阴茎的进进出出之下并没有散发臭味,只有点淡淡的酸臭。发现了这点, 几个流氓你摸我弄,惊讶不已。而光着身子被人屈成羞辱姿势的辛博,屁眼被人如此研究 ,不由更加痛哭。
一时之间,废弃工地地下室里男生的哭声,流氓的淫笑声响成一片。辛博和柏然光着身子 肩并肩躺在草垫子上,虽然心里屈辱万分,却毫无办法阻止流氓拿自己的身体玩乐。大概由於在辛博这里花费了很大功夫,虽然矮墩子后来,却第一个射精。他显然是此道的老手。只见他左弄右捣,每次都能逼得辛博从直肠里排出一些气体,在他的控制下发出“普普” “ 休休” 或者“趴趴” 的放屁似的声音。虽然不臭,却羞得辛博恨不能立刻去死。他猛地 把阴茎从辛博的屁眼里拔出来,辛博刚觉得松快一些,矮墩子上前一步,一股股腥臭的精液喷射在辛博脸上,延着他冰晶玉洁的脸蛋流到,屁眼被人开了包,又被人看着精液在自己脸上流淌,不由气愤之极,却没有办法。不过看着他紧咬银牙的劲头,矮墩子却也打消了把阴茎伸进柏然的嘴里让他舔干净的念头。
“老三,到你了,干哪个” 倒疤脸问高个子。 高个子一直在帮矮墩子干辛博的屁眼,听了这话回过头来,往柏然身上爬去,道:我还是干这个吧,让老二去开那个‘胖’帅哥吧” 。淫笑中,狐狸眼大模大样地压在了躺在地上无力挣扎的辛博的雪白的裸体上,说道:“这么很帅的帅哥,还有一个这么漂亮的洞,我可要试试嘞”
辛博虽然刚才屁眼被人开了包,不过矮墩子一直是跪在他的腿间,被狐狸眼爬上身来面对 面压着还是觉得极端羞辱。两人身高差不多,光着身子叠在一起正好鼻尖对鼻尖,眼睛不过相距20厘米。辛博紧咬嘴唇,丹凤眼冷漠地着狐狸眼。狐狸眼的上身压紧辛博的赤裸的胸部,两人的肚子贴肚子。辛博感受着两腿之间那个热乎乎的肉棒的蠕动,就是这个东西马上要戳进自己的肚子,在乱七八糟胡搅一通之后射入精液…。狐狸眼看着自己胯下的这个绝色裸体帅哥,不由性欲大发,他看着辛博冷冰冰的样子,不由凶道:“臭帅哥,屁眼给人开了,光着屁股被人骑了还神气什么,看老子呆会叫你后悔被你妈生下来!”
他一回头,看见初中生正在摆弄他们带来的摄影机,叫道:“老五,大特写,呆会让光屁股小帅哥自己看看是怎么被人干的” 。辛博虽然屁眼被人干了,早已死心不再反抗了,但是听说要摄像还是羞辱难当。但是他的体力早已耗尽,而稍一挣扎屁眼更是疼痛不已,只能眼睁睁看着压在自己身上的狐狸眼一边挪动光屁股把阴茎对准、滑入自己的肛门,一边随着阴茎的深入冲自己得意洋洋地挤眉弄眼。辛博不由深深感到作为一个被人强奸中的男孩的悲哀。虽然辛博的智力、能力、学识都比这些流氓高很多,却只能无助地被扒光衣服一丝不挂地躺在冰冷的地上任人把自己的身体当作玩具来取乐。辛博感到狐狸眼的阴茎越来越深入,终於在肛门内感受到了撕裂般的痛苦边上,初中生架起的摄像机忠实地工作着,记录着这悲惨的时刻。从初中生取的特殊特写角度,狐狸眼的光屁股推着黑龙般的阴茎不断深入,而辛博的肛门则无可奈何地不断被挤开,吞如越来越多的黑龙。终於狐狸眼的光屁股猛地压下,辛博的光屁股则剧烈抖动,却被狐狸眼的阴茎死死顶在地上,处男之血,或者说曾经是处男的帅哥之血,流了出来。面对此情此景,光着身子被人压在胯下,被人一边嘲弄一边拿阴茎猛捣,还被同时录像,虽然辛博的精神很坚强,作为一个十八、九岁的男生,还是没法力挣扎着,眼泪又流了出来。而辛博赤裸的肉体上猛烈捣着光屁股的恶魔,看到自己胯下被侮辱的一丝不挂扭动着髋骨的帅哥的反应,不由更加得意,就象一个劣童看到自己恶作剧的成功,更加卖力地折磨自己的牺牲品。
接连遭到强奸之下,辛博和柏然再也没有力气挣扎,象烂泥一样躺在地上任人摆布。老大刀疤脸在旁边看了很久,哪能再忍。指挥手下把两个光着身子的帅哥面对面摞起来,辛博在上,压着柏然。刀疤脸爬上辛博的光屁股,开始从后头侵犯辛博。虽然辛博和柏然是好朋友,但是还从来没见过对方的裸体。现在被这么光着身子放在一起,胸部对胸部,鸡鸡对鸡鸡,阴毛对阴毛,想到自己刚才在对方眼前被流氓扒光衣服强奸,都是非常羞愧。但是刀疤脸却毫不怜惜,他一会捣几下辛博,一会捅几下柏然,换来换去,弄得两个帅哥的呻吟声此起彼伏,而辛博的光屁股摩擦在刀疤脸的肚子上,终於让他忍不住,他一步爬起,把辛博翻过来,准备在他嘴里射精。辛博虽然已经精神恍惚,但是最后的关口死不松口,刀疤脸怪叫几声,大量的精液再次沿着辛博很帅的脸蛋流淌,直滴到底下柏然的脸上。“完了吗?” 辛博想。他现在刚刚被人强奸,屁眼被阴茎捅了,脸上还被射了流氓的精液,已经彻底没有抵抗的意识,只希望这五个人赶快把柏然和自己放回去,真的好痛啊!
“站起来让我们仔细看看你们的光屁股” 初中生继续拿着摄像机上下左右录着象,一面发命令。辛博狠狠地白了他一眼。这种生气的表情非常动人,加上辛博现在浑身又一丝不挂,把几个流氓看呆了。
高个子看到两个刚被强奸的帅哥不配合,上去刷地一声,狠抽了柏然一皮带。“啊 ” 柏然纤细的背上顿时多了一道红痕。“你要是再不动,你的好朋友就要继续受苦了” ,狐狸眼狞笑道。矮墩子也冲上来,对着辛博的光屁股就是一脚。“唉呀” ,辛博的尾椎骨似乎都断了,也忍不住呼痛。“你也一样,你要是再不听话,我就把你好朋友的鸡巴给踢断” ,矮墩子对着柏然喊。
柏然和辛博互看了一眼,都从对方的眼睛里看到了无奈。为了不继续让对方挨打,两人赤身裸体互相搀扶着爬了起来。“现在听我的” 初中生命令道,“立正!” 他喊正军训的口令。正规军训的时候男生们都从来不好好练习队列,何况是现在。但是在高个子刷刷两下皮带之后,两个男生还是强忍羞辱光着身子以立正姿势站直。边上几个流氓大饱眼福 ,初中生则四下围走,前后录像。柏然蓬松而倔强的头发,已经没有了刚才的倔强劲头了,但也还算整齐,而柏然纤细的裸背,苗条的腰,光滑的屁股,细长的双腿,精巧的脚踝,可爱的光脚,还有那不长不短垂在两腿之间的阴茎。看得初中生一边录像一边 忍不住伸手去捏柏然的阴茎和睾丸。柏然的阴茎和睾丸被人捏着,却又不敢闪躲,只能稍微晃动一下,眼睛看着自己的鼻尖,银牙咬唇,无奈地忍受。初中生又转到前头,开始从头脸到胸 脯到肚子到鸡巴再到阴毛最后到腿脚拍摄柏然的大特写。柏然的下巴很小巧,脖子细长,一双布满血丝和泪痕的眼睛随着柏然因为冷和害怕而有些迷离。柏然默默站着,唯有他在水泥上的两个光脚丫的不安扭动显示着他内心的恐惧。
“这个瘦帅哥的鸡巴还真大” 狐狸眼伸手毫不在乎地捏住了柏然的鸡巴。柏然的身子往后一晃,看到边上跃跃欲试的拿着皮带的高个子,只好不继续躲开。狐狸眼的另一只手则揪着辛博的鸡巴,象是在揪一个橡皮筋,“这个胖帅哥的鸡巴反倒小点,怎么揪也没这么大” 。辛博的身材其实和柏然一样好。他的腰腿可能要粗一些,但是身高上他确也比柏然高了一点。而辛博的鸡巴确小巧型,粗细适中。现在被人如此玩弄和评论,辛博倍感受辱。
看着辛博怨恨的眼神,狐狸眼反而兴奋起来。“这么很帅的帅哥,光着身子表面上看都那么高雅,谁会想到里面是刚被灌了一肚子精液呢” 他嘲笑着说。“而且屁眼还在火辣辣痛吧,哈哈哈哈” 矮墩子补充。
接着柏然和辛博又被命令躺下,自己屈起双腿打开来彻底露出少男的神圣部位。这在两人以前是不可想象的。如果是正常状态,这几个地位低下的流氓一辈子连跟这两个高傲的帅哥说话的机会都没有,可是现在居然能够仔细比较两人的肛门和阴部。狐狸眼更是用各种尖刻的话嘲笑着两人脏西西的脚底板。初中生这时候也过来一只手抓住一个帅哥的阴囊开始揉搓,并放下狠话:“你们两个从现在开始,谁的鸡巴要是软下去,我就抓碎谁的鸟蛋!”,说着初中生使劲抓着两个人的阴囊向上扽起。“啊……”柏然和辛博同时叫了起来,并想用手过来解脱自己阴囊的痛苦… “妈的,听明白没有,在动我可就不客气了,听明白没有?”,柏然和辛博一口同声说:“听明白了”。
随后,在高个子挥舞的皮带的威胁下,两名光着身子的男生又被迫在水泥地上象狗一样爬来爬去,还被迫亲吻几个流氓的臭脚甚至光屁股。在流氓的欢呼和嘲笑声中,两名一丝不 挂的赤裸着雪白身体的帅哥的高雅风度彻底扫地。
但是还没有结束,不久几个流氓竟然再次勃起。辛博因为性格比较钢硬,裸体被迫作着屈辱动作的时候总有点别手别脚,惹来三个人同时侵犯。高个子躺在地上,辛博被迫赤身爬上他的身体,咧嘴呼痛中,眼睁睁看着他的超大阴茎再次贯穿自己的肛门。狐狸眼则大咧 咧拿起阴茎让辛博为他手淫。看着辛博因疼痛和屈辱和颤抖不已得光屁股上的肌肉,狐狸眼一面享受着辛博给他手淫带的快乐,一面用手啪啪打着辛博耳光 ,弄得辛博真是恨不能自杀算了。而初中生则挺起阴茎来到辛博的面前。把热呼呼的肉棒和湿呼呼的睾丸在辛博脸蛋和额头上使劲摩擦。同时初中生对辛博说:“现在,我说一句你学一句,不老实的话就小心你的鸟蛋”,“嗯”辛博极不情愿但又不得不答应下。
“换姿势啦”,矮墩子一巴掌拍到了柏然翘起的屁股上,此时柏然一丝不挂,按照矮墩子的授意,以狗爬式爬在地上,矮墩从后面掰开柏然的屁股沟,阴茎长驱直入柏然的后庭,疼得柏然爬在地上拼命摇头,涕泪交流。矮墩子似乎总是不能长久,很快就在柏然的直肠里射了精 。
刀疤脸挺棒就上,他的花样最多。先以老汉推车的姿势从后面侵犯柏然的肛门,推着他绕着在三个流氓夹攻下生不如死的辛博转圈;接着又以观音坐莲的姿势把柏然纤细的裸体抱 在怀里摇曳柏然弯腰站起,两手撑住膝盖,他从后面插入柏然的肛门,顶弄得柏然站立不稳;接着又转到柏然前面,把他拉直身体,两人背对站立,把阴茎插入柏然的肛门,肉体全面接触,跳起贴面舞,柏然泪眼朦胧,仰面看天,呼冤无门;接着他又把柏然的两条赤裸的细长的美腿盘在自己腰间,甚至屈至肩上,阴茎插在柏然的肛门里,抱着柏然四下乱,周游列国;然后他似乎累了,放下柏然,一起在地上继续性交。什么狗爬式,龟腾式,比目鱼式,69式,三春驴式,用各种淫不忍睹的姿势,把柏然折磨得死去活来。不知什么时候,和辛博性交的三个流氓已经先后射精,把辛博的肛门和嘴巴里灌满了精液。随后一起观看刀疤脸和柏然的性交表演,并不停评论和为老大加油。其姿势之繁多新奇连辛博也不知不觉看呆了。一切过程都让矮墩子拿摄像机从头到脚记录下来。
终於,刀疤脸恢复了传统的传教式,爬在柏然的肉体上屁股大动,不久在柏然的肚皮里射出了股股精液,完成这这场马拉松式的性交。“传教式射精,帅哥你有没有感觉精神上升层次啊,哈哈” 狐狸眼最后还不忘嘲弄浑身上下里外已经被污辱遍的柏然。
初中生最先恢复过来。他又拿起摄像机命令道:“起立,立正” 。有了前面的经验,两名裸体男生知道抵抗是徒劳的,顺从地爬起来站直了自己的身体。“跳舞” 狐狸眼在后面乱喊命令。柏然和辛博是[font]音乐学院[/font]的学生,虽然舞不是主修课,但是两个人也都参加了学校的舞蹈选修课,但是他们所学的舞蹈绝对不是在这种场合跳的。
“他妈的跳” 刷的一声高个子的皮带又来了。辛博终於忍不住这无休止不断升级的对肉体和精神的污辱,再次眼泪流出,哭喊道:“你杀了我吧”。
“老三” ,刀疤脸喊住了准备大力鞭打帅哥赤裸肉体的高个子,他打了个手势,手下心领神会地去四周收集器具。他对一丝不挂抱在一起哭成泪人的两个男生道:“很有骨气啊,好,老子最喜欢啃硬骨头,把他” ,他一指辛博,“拖出来” 。
高个子上去拽着辛博的头发把已经浑身沾满精液和泥土但还显得俊朗的近乎完美裸体的辛博拉到的游泳池边上靠着水泥墙壁立着,虽然辛博哭着抵抗,但是还是三下五除二把辛博的双手给绑在背后。其他人这时回来,竟然取回了几个工地照明的白帜大灯。大灯开了很久,光线刺眼,几百度的高温,连着电线被放在辛博脚下。辛博还有点迷糊,不知道要干什么。这时,几个人过来架起辛博,竟然让辛博往大灯上放去。“刺拉” 一声,大家似乎能够闻到辛博娇嫩的脚丫被大灯烤胡的味道,“哎呀。。。” 辛博惨叫一声,反射地缩回这只脚,但是另一只脚不可避免地落在另一个大灯上,又是“刺拉” 一声。高个子和狐狸眼看得哈哈大笑,他们只是从旁边扶着辛博维持他的平衡,任由光着屁股的帅哥在滚热得大灯被烫得乱跳。大灯从下面照射上去,把辛博哭喊的脸庞,勃起的阴茎,乱蹦的光腿和两腿间的阴毛、肛门照得毫发毕现,初中生大声呼好“跳的这是什么舞啊,哈哈” ,同时开始录像。
“唉呀。。。放我下来,。。。我跳舞,我跳舞” 刚强如辛博终於开始求饶,在此之前,那怕是被人强奸肛门的时候他也是尽量不发一声的。“晚拉” 刀疤脸狞笑道,“我就喜欢看这种舞” ,说着,他转向在一旁惊呆了的柏然,“瘦帅哥要不要也跳这种舞蹈啊”
“不。。我自己跳,我自己跳” 柏然吓得语无伦次,终於忍住羞耻开始摆动自己光溜溜的身体开始跳舞。矮墩子拿出一个录音机,开始放音乐,竟然是霹雳舞的音乐。柏然的霹雳舞跳得很好,但是在这种情况下又如何能跳?不过在刀疤脸的威逼下,终於开始跳霹雳舞。只见光裸屁股柔软地扭动着身体,向污辱自己的流氓献上卖力的服务。流氓们准了很多舞蹈音乐,柏然不得不跟着音乐变换舞步,只见双腿飞舞,光屁股摇摆,阴茎抖动,光腿飞踢,脚丫时时打击地面啪啪作想,柏然一会跳霹雳舞,一会的斯科,一会印度舞,一回新疆舞,一会芭蕾舞,一会民间采茶舞,看得色狼们哈哈大笑。
那边的辛博总算被放下来,已经哭得不成样子,两脚受伤,根本站立不稳。刀疤脸发话道:“真讨厌,让他开口笑” 。几个色狼当然知道怎么作。他们把辛博的裸体按躺在地上,由狐狸眼下手,既然把工地上的一跟钢条往辛博的后庭里捅。柔软的后庭哪里是坚硬的钢条的对手,很快钢条就长驱直去辛博的直肠,疼得辛博放声大叫,因为表情古怪,真有点象开口笑,周围的流氓则嘻笑不已。旁边的柏然同时则光着身子不停地跳舞。
两人哭了一会儿,慢慢回复过来,检起被撕得希烂的衣服勉强披上,互相搀扶着走出工地。这是天刚朦朦亮,两人几乎是光着屁股尽力回到宿舍,幸好假期的校园人少,又是早上,没人看见。两人进了洗澡间不停地呕吐,使劲地刷牙、洗澡,希望能把一夜的侮辱彻底 洗掉,但是无论如何把身体外面洗干净,身体里面已经无可挽回地被彻底弄脏了。柏然和辛博累坏了,洗完之后一头扎在各自的床上沉沉睡去。
不只睡了多久,辛博忽然觉得有人在弄自己的阴茎。他猛地醒来,发现刀疤脸赫然坐在自己的身边,他大惊,刚要呼喊被人一口捂住嘴,一夜的熟悉使他知道这是高个子的手。边上床上的柏然也被狐狸眼和矮墩子制服。“我们私配了你们的钥匙,不反对吧” 狐狸眼 嘻皮笑脸地说。辛博看看窗外,已经又是晚上了,真的希望这是在做梦,可惜不是。“来,让他们看看他们自己的表演” 刀疤脸道。初中生嘻嘻哈哈地拿出一盘录像带,打开宿舍里的电视机,开始放录像。录像里真的是辛博和柏然,在工地的地下室里被肆意侮辱着,从一开始被强奸到最后淋尿,四五个钟头一刻不差。“要不想让全世界人都抢着买带子看你们表演,你们知道应该怎么作吧,哈哈” 。听了这话,辛博绝望的闭上了眼睛,他知道自己的恶梦才刚刚开始。
当夜,绝望而投降的两个帅哥被扒光了衣服,在自己的宿舍里,裸体任由五个流氓玩乐。 他们的身体或者被人抱在怀里,或者被人压在身下,狭窄的肛门一次次暴光、污辱,高傲的头颅被人摁在胯下蹂躏。宿舍的铁床被干的急嘎乱想。 两个被全校女生奉若明珠的校草光着身子被人从下铺干到上铺,从上铺干到下铺,又干到地上、桌子上、椅子上,浑身里外沾满精液。五个流氓又强迫他们学习性交、口交的技术,直到凌晨,柏然和辛博光着屁股跪在地上,用刚学的技术,用柔软的舌头舔着刀疤脸和狐狸眼的龟头和 马眼,直到他们把精液射在他们脸上。随后,两名裸体帅哥被迫开着厕所门当着大家的面拉屎撒尿。这一切都被录像。最后,五个流氓拥着两个帅哥一起进了小小的浴缸,一边洗澡一边继续玩弄。在小小的空间里,两个一丝不挂的帅哥无处躲藏,只能任人凌辱,暗中饮泣。
有的时候,五个小流氓还把两人当作礼物来招待自己的狐朋狗友。两个男生被强迫光着屁股唱歌、跳舞、弹琴,在流氓们的怪叫声中口交甚至手淫,然后在大庭广众之间被人摁倒强奸。在换人的空隙,辛博看着身边的柏然被一个个十七八岁的不良少年的裸体凄惨地压着,修长的光腿在空中乱舞,光脚丫肮脏不堪,脚趾忽而紧绷,忽而叉开,肛门被阴茎狠狠插着,柔软的屁股被压得扁扁的,不知羞耻地露出后庭,而阴茎也时不时的被这些痞子们用绳子拴上,甚至还给他们戴上了贞操带…,他就想:这种日子什 么时候结束啊…
The Boy At My Door... Ch. 03 |
Posted by: askaboy - 2018-07-26, 01:46 AM - Forum: Boys Love Stories 男同志小說 / BL漫畫 + Tumblr sharing
- Replies (5)
It's been ten days since this teen boy first knocked at my door. I remember when I first looked through the peephole to see proof that he was legal and had shaven his thin eighteen year old body for me. He was such an innocent boy in that first moment, so horny and so inexperienced. How was he to know that what I had been doing to him was anything other than a normal phase that all teen boys go through.
By now he was more of a pet than a human. I had spent the first several days keeping the boy on Viagra and amphetamines while totally bound, tormenting and fucking all the holes in his body every few hours with either a toy or a cock and then tying him in a different uncomfortable position.
Before I left him every night so I could sleep, I would feed him more stimulants and force a large black dildo deep into his ass and tape it there. Then I would force a big butt plug into his mouth and tape it in place so it almost went into his throat and made him work constantly not to gag. I would tie his wrists and ankles together then tie the ropes to either wall, stretching his body tight on his back against my tile floor, so tight that you could see his ribs and his breathing became shallow and labored.
Once he was tied tight, I would sit next to him while he watched his own body being abused on the video. I would listen to his gagging and painful breathing while I forcefully masturbated us both to orgasm. When he would cum, I would direct it onto his hairless, flat stomach and then cum on him as well. I would take the cum in my hand and smear it all over his face and push some into his mouth for the butt plug to force into his throat. I would leave him covered in his own cum every night night.
I had been tying him up often with his head pointing down between his legs, a little tighter each time. I could now stand behind the boy and push his head down until his cock was about an inch into his own mouth. Pretty soon I would be able to tie him up with his own cock all the way down his throat. It was fun to think about tying the boy up and leaving him alone to gag and drool on himself while he was forced to fuck his own throat with his cock.
Right now he was basically hanging by his collar which was chained to the ceiling in the corner of my bathroom. He was nude except for the cock ring that was tight around his hard little hairless teen penis. I've kept his hands either handcuffed behind his back or tied to something the entire time he's been here, helping to teach him that he is completely powerless and was born solely for submission to older men.
He was currently wearing the virtual reality headset. For the first several days, I played a continuous feed of severely brutal bondage and sadistic porn on the headset, forcing him to watch and listen to these depraved acts constantly. Sometimes I would leave the headset on while I played with the boy, it was like a blindfold and earplugs but better. I would abuse the boy while stroking his little cock, forcing him to orgasm while he watched the videos. It kept the boy totally unaware of his surroundings while mixing with the drugs to warp his mind, helping him learn to equate the pain and fear in the videos with the pleasurable sexual feeling of orgasm. Eventually the boy's mind would begin telling him that his orgasm was completely tied to his bondage and submission.
I edited all the video that I had taken of the boy throughout the first three days to create a four hour loop of him being bound and repeatedly abused in his throat and asshole by myself and several of my friends, as well as video of him tied up alone with dildos taped deep in his mouth and asshole, writhing and gagging and crying while drooling all over himself. I took the video loop and added subliminal messages to it that told the boy that he was worthless, that he liked what was being done to him, that his purpose on earth was to be a hairless little slave for other men, and that he would totally submit to any man that told him to.
Over the last seven days I've forced the boy to wear the headset and watch the porn of himself being fucked and bound 24 hours a day while feeding him stimulants every few hours. Since he came to my house, I haven't let the boy sleep more than two hours at a time, and have kept him drugged. It helps to keep his body weak and his mind fuzzy. I think that the subliminal messages have begun to take hold in his subconscious because he no longer cries or pulls away when I fondle his body, sometimes he would even push his hips forward when I stroke his little cock, or he sticks his tongue out before I gag his throat.
I know that his parents will be coming home soon, and I hope he's ready for what I want him to do.
I walk up to the boy, checking which point in the video he is watching. On my computer, I see that the video is showing the boy kneeling in my living room with his hands bound to his ankles. The headset has been replaced by a tight blindfold. As the video plays, it shows the light from my front door opening. A moment later, the two large black men that I had found online entered the room and walked up to the boy.
I had put an ad on craigslist stating that I had a small, totally shaven, white, eighteen year old boy who was my voluntary slave. I had said that whoever wanted to could make plans with me to come to my place, open the unlocked door, and find the boy waiting in the living room to be used however they liked.
These two black men had contacted me almost immediately, asking me what the boy was into and if they could fuck him as hard as they wanted. I of course said yes they could, and that it didn't matter what the boy liked, he would do whatever they wanted him to do.
The men in the video walked up to the kneeling blindfolded boy, and one knelt behind him and put his huge hands around the boy's throat, holding him still. The other man dropped his pants and grabbed the boy tightly by his hair. Holding him still, the man didn't waste any time. He pushed what must have been a twelve inch cock past the boy's lips and into his mouth. While he stood there, the other man squeezed hard while pushing the boy forward, choking the boy on the outside of his neck and gagging him with cock on the inside of his throat. He didn't stop pushing until the boy's nose was touching the other man's belly.
Once the cock was totally down the teen's throat, the man began to squeeze the boy around his neck tighter, making his face turn bright red. As the first man choked the boy roughly, the second man grabbed tighter on the boy's hair and began to fuck his throat. He was fucking it as hard as he could and with the other man choking him so hard, it must have made the boy's throat feel much tighter, already stretched around the huge black cock.
At one point you could tell that the boy lost consciousness, his head slumped to one side but the men abusing him didn't care, in fact it looked as if they enjoyed it more when he was unconscious, the one cock fucking his throat harder than before as the other man began fucking the unconscious boy's asshole, holding his limp body by the neck. As the two black men fucked the unconscious boy's bound body hard, they took turns slapping him hard across his face and torso, leaving large red welts all over his smooth, thin body.
I took a moment to relish what was occurring. This boy had been watching this and many other things happen to him for a week straight with no break. Whenever he wasn't watching and listening to himself get abused and degraded, he was in the process of making more video or he was unconscious. He hadn't worn clothing in ten days, only the collar and the cock ring and whatever I used to tie him up. I decided that now was the time to tell him part of what he would be doing tomorrow.
Since he was eighteen he was a legal adult and was free to move out of his parents house if he wanted to, and I wanted him to so that was that. I was going to let the amphetamines wear off and then feed him an extra Viagra and some caffeine pills to keep him awake, then blindfold him. Then I'd put the clothes I had bought on him for the day. I had purchased a skin-tight slightly see-through black tee shirt that said "whore" on it, as well as some very tight white spandex boy-shorts that barely covered the bottom of his ass and caused a large bulge in the front where his hard cock had been forced between his legs. I had thought long and hard about what I was going to do with this boy when his parents got home from their vacation.
The one nice thing I always made the boy do was once a day call his parents and check in with them. It seemed to calm him down a bit, and he never mentioned anything to them about what he had been doing since they left. I would turn off the headset and make the boy recite his parent's names and phone numbers to me. I would tell the boy I was calling his parents and that he should say he was calling from his new cell phone, and tell them whatever he needs to tell them, then I would dial the number and put the phone to his ear.
While still bound in whatever position he was in, he would talk to his parents about their trip, always telling them that he was fine at home. This meant that the boy was agreeing to let this continue and cementing his position as a permanent fuck slave for any perverted man that wanted to use him. It was also nice because then I could be sure when they would be home. I had devised exactly what was going to happen tomorrow when his parents returned home.
With that, I tied the boy tightly to the floor and inserted the toys in his mouth and asshole, then left him so I could get a good night's sleep.
The next morning, I took the boy with his collar and cock ring on and blindfolded him, and then roughly forced my largest butt plug into his asshole and duct taped it in place. I then dressed him in the slutty shirt and shorts I had bought, adjusting the shirt to show his bare stomach and making the shorts show the huge bulge of his Viagra-swelled and completely hairless cock. I then handcuffed his arms behind his back and put six inch shackles on his ankles. Next, I covered him with a floor length hooded coat and zipped it up, then walked him to my car. I put him in the back seat on the floor and removed the coat. I hooked the ring on his collar to a ring on the floor of the back seat, then left him in the car while I ran back to the house to grab his drivers license and his keyring.
I returned to the car and entered the boy's home address on my GPS. It was 9am and his parents would be home at noon. I drove the boy to his parents house and parked in the driveway. I opened the rear car door to put the coat on the boy and released his neck from the floor, then led him from the car to his front door. His house was surrounded by pine trees, which made it nicely private. I took his keys and unlocked the front door and guided the boy into his own home. He still had no idea where he was as I walked him through the house till I found his bedroom.
I opened the door to his room and took him inside. Once in the room I dragged him by the collar to his bed. I removed the coat so he was only barely clothed in the tight fabric and had him kneel facing the door while at the foot of his bed. I undid the chains on his ankles and tied each one to either end of the bed, pulling his legs wide apart and pushing his bulge out a bit more.
I then tied ropes to his wrists and to the headboard of his bed. I undid the handcuffs and pulled the ropes tight, stretching his arms back over his mattress. I looked at the boy in his tight whore shirt, with his semi-hard cock stretching out the white fabric of the boy shorts. I took the boy by the hips and pulled his torso forward so his body was really stretched out with his shaved crotch straining out towards the door. I took several pillows and shoved them between the butt plug in his asshole and the bed so his little body would stay stretched out like this for his parents to see.
With the boy prepared I went to his sisters room and found her underwear drawer where the boy had found the panties he first wore to my house. I took all his sisters panties and brought them to his room and strew them about all over the boy and his bed. With the boy ready, I put on my ski mask and took several photos of him. Then, I knelt down next to him and slowly undid the blindfold. This was the first time the boy had seen anything besides sadomasochistic pornography playing in front of his eyes in almost two weeks.
As he saw his room he started to cry. I didn't want him saying anything, just listening so I put duct tape over his mouth. I then told him the plan.
"Yes boy, this is your bedroom. I have brought you home because you have a hard choice to make, so I am going to make it a little easier on you. In an hour or two, your parents will arrive home with your little sister. When they come looking for you, they will find you like this, wearing tight girly clothes and tied to the bed with a dog collar around your neck and your mouth duct taped shut, and your little dick hard with a cock ring on it and such a huge butt plug taped into your asshole. There's pairs of your sisters panties all over you and your bed, and they will think you have done all this to yourself."
"You have two choices. You can tell your parents that you made a mistake and stay here with them. Don't try to tell them that I forced you to do anything, because I have you consenting on videotape to everything I've been doing to you many times over. If anyone questions me about you, I will make all the video I have taken of you public, and I will send a copy to your parents. If you choose this option you will never see me again."
"Your other choice is to tell your parents that you met an older man recently. You will tell your parents that you want to be his slave and that you are going to leave today to go live with him full-time as his sex toy for as long as he wants."
"When your parents find you they will know that you like to be fucked in your asshole. That's why I gave you an extra Viagra this morning, so your cock will be rock hard when they find you and it will make them think that you enjoy this, no matter what you tell them. I bet your father will have to help get this plug out of your ass for you while your mother has to remove this ring on your hard cock. I wonder what they will think, knowing that their little eighteen year old son likes to shave his cock and ass smooth and put things inside of his own asshole?"
"I am going to leave a slip of paper under your mattress with a cell phone number on it. I will be waiting somewhere near your house until 2pm today. If I receive a phone call from you I will drive to the end of your block and wait five minutes for you to come to my car. If not, you have chosen to stay with your parents even though they will always know that you have been fucked over and over by men as old as your father."
With that, I put the blindfold back over the boy's now teary eyes and stuck the slip of paper under his mattress. I leaned down to the boy's ear and reached in my pocket and took out the panties he had stolen from his sister. They were covered in dried cum, and I ripped the tape from the boys mouth and forced them inside. I cut a new piece of duct tape and pushed it over the boy's mouth. I then whispered in his ear "I wonder what your parents will think when they find your little sister's panties in your mouth?" I felt his body shake and heard muffled gagging sounds and knew he was terrified. I then stood up to leave.
As I left the room, I took several pictures of the boy just in case he made the decision to stay with his parents, although I hoped that the shame of being found by his parents looking like he was would make him choose to call me to escape the embarrassment.
I took off my mask and left through the front door, locking it from the outside. I hopped in my car and drove to a neighborhood bar to wait and see.
At about 1:30pm my phone rang.
"Boy?" I asked.
"Yes." was the quiet reply.
"I'll be down the street in ten minutes."
The Boy At My Door... Ch. 02 |
Posted by: askaboy - 2018-07-26, 01:44 AM - Forum: Boys Love Stories 男同志小說 / BL漫畫 + Tumblr sharing
- Replies (5)
There he was, this petite teenage boy kneeling and tightly handcuffed in my shower with a winter hat covering his eyes, drool and piss spilling from the ring gag onto his chin and down his hairless belly to his small rock hard cock.
I slapped him hard a few times on his face, then knelt down next to him and slowly smeared his saliva all over his chin and chest with one hand, while slowly tugging on his now slimy little shaved cock with the other.
Every so often, I'd shove my fingers roughly into his throat causing him to gag hard and thrash around on his knees, coughing loudly as more drool spilled from the sides of his mouth and down his chest. I could see him begin to twitch and shake slightly as the drugs started to kick in. I knew it was time to begin his training, and I dragged him into the bedroom.
Once in the bedroom, I had the boy stand. I attached leather wrist cuffs to the boy, then took off the handcuffs. With that, I quickly attached the cuffs to adjustable ropes I had affixed to the ceiling. Once the boy's arms were attached, I pulled hard on the rope, which pulled the boy's arms up and away until he was standing on his tip toes.
I stood behind the boy and to his surprise I roughly yanked the winter hat that had been covering his eyes off of him, but he didn't see much because I quickly took my favorite device from the table and put it on his head. It was a virtual reality headset, complete with eyepieces and earphones. I plugged the input cord into my laptop and pressed play.
I had pre-loaded several hours worth of some of the most hardcore sadomasochistic pornography I could find on the internet, women and men being severely tortured in all sorts of ways. The volume was turned all the way up and I could hear the first video start playing, the painful screams of the eighteen year old girl who was tied up in the video having a dildo the size of a horse cock forced into her asshole while her tits were tied up so tight that they had turned bright purple. This video was extremely hardcore, and I chose to play it first because it was the most perverse video I could find.
I knew with all the amphetamines running through the boy's head that he would not be able to think about anything else but sex, and he would not be able to hear anything or see anything besides the horribly perverted video that was currently playing on the screen an inch from his eyes.
My plan was to fuck and degrade this boy completely for the next two weeks, and whenever I wasn't fucking his asshole, fucking his throat, or abusing his shaved, thin, eighteen year old body, I would make him wear the headset and give him more amphetamines. I planned to keep him drugged and awake for the first 48 hours in order to help his mind become fuzzy enough to totally accept the training I had in store for him.
I took a spreader bar with ankle cuffs and attached it to the boy's legs, spreading them apart and making him strain to keep his balance. When I had gotten him all tied up, I stepped back to look at my new toy.
He was covered in a sheen of sweat, obviously uncomfortable standing on his tip toes with his legs spread wide. I loved how his totally shaved little body looked tied up, the drool bubbling from his lips making shiny spit trails down his stomach. I walked behind the boy and inspected his little bubble butt. He had shaved, but looking at his butt I could tell that he hardly even grew hair on his ass. I tightly grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled them apart, showing his hairless little asshole that was still a bit red from when I fucked it in the bathroom.
I reached behind me on the nightstand and grabbed the lube and the really large black butt plug. I set them on the ground and undid the leg restraints. I went to the bathroom and grabbed the panties he wore here, the really small white boyshorts that he had stolen from his 13 year old sister. I returned to my place behind the boy and opened the lube bottle.
I took the head of the bottle and roughly stuck it into the boy's asshole, squeezing a fair amount of it into his ass. I pulled the bottle out and smacked the boy as hard as I could on his ass, then pulled the cheeks apart again and watched as the pain of the smack caused his little abused asshole to tighten up good and keep the lube in.
I then poured some lube onto the butt plug and brought it to his asshole. As the eighteen year old did his best to scream, I slowly worked the plug inside of him. I had to push really hard to get the widest part into his ass, but once it passed the wide point, his asshole hungrily sucked it deep inside of him.
With that, I put his little sister's panties around his ankles and pulled them up his legs. When they were all the way up I could see that they would hold the butt plug tightly inside the boy whether he wanted it or not, and they also pushed his shaved little cock up tight against his belly, with the two Viagra and the cock ring on, I knew that he would stay hard no matter what I did to him.
With the butt plug in and the panties on, I re-attached the spreader bar to his ankles. I sat on the bed and stroked myself thinking about what was currently happening.
I had a completely naked eighteen year old boy tied up in my bedroom with a gigantic butt plug stretching his asshole wide and a headset forcing him to watch extremely hardcore porn that I was now also watching on my laptop. The scene had changed to a video I found of a 20-something boy tied to a stool and blindfolded, while being fucked deep with a long black dildo, and also getting his mouth brutally fucked by several older men.
With the porn and the drugs warping his mind, I knew that a few more days of this and he would be mine completely. I stood up behind the boy and put my hands tightly around his neck. As I squeezed tighter I could feel the boy tense up and start to struggle, I could hear him gagging and coughing up more drool as he gasped for air. Within a minute, the shaking stopped and the boy's head fell forward.
With the boy unconscious I left the room to make a drink and get a few of my other toys. I knew when he woke up he would be disoriented, and all he would see or hear would be screaming and gagging, and the video of a boy being brutally throat fucked. These next few weeks are going to be fun....
The Boy At My Door... ch-1 |
Posted by: askaboy - 2018-07-26, 01:43 AM - Forum: Boys Love Stories 男同志小說 / BL漫畫 + Tumblr sharing
- Replies (6)
I had turned off all the lights in my apartment except for a few dim night lights and had turned the heat up to 95 degrees. It was uncomfortably hot inside, and I was coated in sweat and was very aroused, thinking about what might happen tonight. Standing nude in my living room I heard two soft knocks on my door. I walked to the entrance of my apartment and quietly knocked back once, then peered through the peephole and saw the surprisingly small eighteen year old boy standing wearily outside. If he was really interested in doing what we had talked about online, he would now have the opportunity to show me.
As the boy stood at my doorstep he put the license up to the peephole showing proof that he was really eighteen and of consenting age. I watched as he pulled down the front of his pants and lifted up his shirt showing his totally smooth and fully shaved body wearing a tight see through pair of girls panties. He pulled his sweats back up, and put his drivers license back in his pocket.
He actually was legal! I knew now that I could bring him inside and use him all I wanted! . He had been telling the truth about his age online, and I wondered if he was telling the truth about his desire for total submission as well. He was very short and thin; about 5 foot 5 with a small frame. I figured he weighed about 125 pounds soaking wet.
He pulled a black winter hat out of his pocket. He pulled the hat over his head, pulling it down over his eyes so that he was unidentifiable and could not see anything, he then bowed his head. That was the signal. I swung open the door and dragged the boy into my apartment.
Earlier tonight I had been surfing some gay chat sites, not really that interested and unwinding after a stressful day. As I was wasting time online I opened a room titled "Younger 4 Older Domination". As I was looking through the list of people in the room an instant message popped up. It was from someone with the screen name "Just18sub4U".
Just18sub4U: Hi
Me: Hello
Just18sub4U: whatcha doin?
Me : nothin, just bored.
Just18sub4U: you r from Michigan?
Me: yup
Just18sub4U: Me too what area?
Me: Southfield
Just18sub4U: Cool, u live near me, I'm from Royal Oak
Me: yea that's not far.
Just18sub4U: So tell me about yourself...
Me: u first. Remember that you're the one who started this conversation
Just18sub4U: ok well...
Just18sub4U: I'm white, I just turned 18, I'm kinda short, I'm very shy and quiet. I've got a 13 year old sister and a 20 year old brother. I live at home with my sister and my parents. I'm a high school senior... What else do u wanna know?
Me: Are you really 18? If not it's ok, but you talk like you are really young and I won't talk to you unless you are of legal consenting age.
Just18sub4U: No I am, I just turned a few weeks ago.
Me: Ok, well you're in a chat room titled younger4olderdomination, and you're talking to me. You must be looking for something. Why did you IM me?
Just18sub4U: Promise not to think I'm weird?
Me: sure
Just18sub4U: Well for a few years now I've been getting these really strange thoughts stuck in my head. I've never told anyone about them before,.
Just18sub4U: but they are all that I think about all day every day and I can't help it.
Me: like what?
Just18sub4U: You really promise you won't think I'm a pervert?
Me: Yes, tell me what you think about.
Just18sub4U: Ok, well I know it sounds weird but I've always wanted to be totally used by an older guy for his sexual pleasure. I've been reading online about submission to another man, about being forced to do things....
Me: That's not perverted at all, why would you think that's weird?
Just18sub4U: I guess because guys are supposed to like girls, but I think about other stuff about older men doing really bad things to me. It's pretty much all the time. Like I'll be sitting in school and I'll think about having one of my male teachers blackmail me and make me do nasty things to him...
Me: that's all?
Just18sub4U: or I'll be having dinner with my dad and his friends, and my dick sometimes gets hard because I start thinking about them all using me together... Or like whenever I go into a public bathroom, I always hope some older man will take the urinal next to me and look down at me and see my that my dick is getting hard, and he'll know what I want. He'll take me by the hand and lead me to his car and put me in the trunk, then drive me to his house and make me his little sex slave.
Me: It's called a cock, not a dick. And those are completely normal feelings for a boy your age. I don't think it's weird at all.
Just18sub4U: Really?
Me: Yea, it's completely normal and not weird at all. Every guy thinks about having a dominant gay sexual relationship with an older father figure when they're young. Everyone tries it once at least to tell if it's something they are interested in. Adult straight guys all talk about when they tried it and didn't like it. The pussies are the guys who didn't have the balls to try it. It's something almost every guy tries at least once.
Me: It's a normal part of growing up and being an adult and learning who you are. If you asked your father like most boys do he would say the same thing.
Me: So why haven't you acted on these thoughts?
Just18sub4U: Well it's just that I can't get the courage up to ask anyone in real life...
Just18sub4U: This is actually the first time I've even really talked about any of these feelings to anyone. No one besides you and me even knows about these thoughts at all. It's really turning me on to tell someone about all this. My "cock" is hard 
Me: that's better my boy.
Me: Well I think you should act on these feelings, you'll never know if you actually like doing that stuff otherwise.
Just18sub4U: I do really want to try it, but I'm too shy
Me: well then you don't have to say anything, you can just come to my house and I will take over.
Just18sub4U: I would, but I kind of want my first time to be anonymous. I do want to be used by a man, but I don't want to know what he looks like. How could I come to your house without seeing your face?
Me: Hmmm.....
Me: well, you could bring a winter hat with you and pull it over your eyes and head before you come inside, then you wouldn't be able to see my face at all...
Just18sub4U: That's a good idea!
Me: is that a yes? Are you going to come over to my apartment?
Just18sub4U: I guess it's now or never.
Me: yes or no. Will you come over and let me do whatever I want with you?
Just18sub4U: ......
Me: answer me now or I'm done talking to you.
Just18sub4U: Yes.
Me: good boy.
Me: can you come tonight?
Just18sub4U: I guess so. My parents are out of town with my little sister this week and the next so I have the house to myself and they let me use their car too 
Me: Perfect. as soon as you sign offline, you will go to the shower and find one of your dad's razors. You will shower thoroughly and shave all the hair off your body from your neck to your feet. You will pay close attention to the area around your cock and your ass, you should be completely smooth and totally hairless. Will u do that?
Just18sub4U: Yea, but why?
Me: don't ask why. You will do it or you can't come over. You will then go in your little sister's room and find a pair of her panties. I want you to choose a small thong or some thin, tight boy-shorts and put them on under your clothes. Don't ask why, you will do this or our talk is over.
Me: Also, what is your email address?
Just18sub4U: ok I'll do it. It actually sounds kind of hot to think about wearing my little sister's panties, I bet they'll feel nice on my smooth skin 
Just18sub4U: My email is Just18sub4U@gmail.com
Me: I'm going to email you directions to my apartment from Royal Oak right now. You will drive to my apartment complex and park. You will get out and walk to my front door.
Just18sub4U: ok
Me: My front door is very secluded. You will knock twice, and wait for me to knock back once. When you hear the knock,You will then take your drivers license and hold it up near the peephole for a moment so I can see that you are really 18.
Just18sub4U: ok
Me: you will then pull down your pants and lift up your shirt so I can look through the peephole at you to make sure you obeyed my instructions. The porch light will be on so I can see if you shaved yourself.
Just18sub4U: You want me to pull my pants down while I'm outside???
Me: Yes. You will or this conversation is over.
Just18sub4U: ok, I guess...
Me: good boy.
Me: You will have a winter hat with you. You will pull it over your head and eyes. Once you can't see, you will bow your head while standing at my doorstep. This will be the final signal that you have agreed to do whatever I want. From then on I will be in total control of your mind and body. Is that understood?
Just18sub4U: Yes. When should I come over?
Me: Right now. Go shower, shave yourself, and drive right here. I expect you within two hours. Be here by 11pm or I won't let you in.
Just18sub4U: Ok.
Me: I'm signing off now. Print the directions from your email and get ready. See you soon 
Just18sub4U: Cool! cya soon 
And here he was, the small eighteen year old boy who had shaved his entire body just because I told him to was standing in a totally submissive posture at my front door. Dragging him inside I quickly closed the door and pushed him up against the wall. I used my feet to kick his legs apart while I pulled his arms behind his back. Before he had time to react, I quickly strapped handcuffs to his wrists which made him completely defenseless. With that, I tore his shoes off and roughly pulled his pants down off his legs, feeling the total smoothness of his young body. I saw that he had worn a pair of his little sister's panties. They were white see-through boy shorts that were so tight that his ass cheeks were sticking out the bottom and his little shaved cock caused a large bulge in the front.
I had a thick black dog collar that said "SLAVE" in silver letters, and I wrapped it around his neck. I pulled the strap tight till I could see he was having a little trouble breathing and latched it in place. I then took the boy into my bathroom.
Once in the bathroom, I pushed him against the wall then took a pair of scissors and used them to slowly cut the boy's tee shirt from his body. He began to try to say something so I took the ring gag I had on the counter and forced it in his mouth, holding his jaw uncomfortably wide and gagging him. I told him that he wasn't allowed to talk, and that I was going to do whatever I wanted so he should get used to it. I could see the fear growing in his eyes. This probably wasn't part of the little fantasy he had worked up, but it was a big part of mine.
Once I had removed all the boy's clothing I pulled the tight panties off and turned him around to face me. There he was, 18 years old and not a single hair on his whole body. He had tilted his head towards the ceiling to prevent himself from drooling out the sides of his mouth, but this was not what I wanted.
I grabbed the back of his head firmly in one hand and stuck my fingers into his open mouth. As he made gagging noises, I explored the inside of his mouth and began to stick my fingers down his throat. This caused him to choke and cough, making his mouth fill up with saliva. I pushed his head forward and pulled my hand out. I took a moment and smeared the drool around the boy's chin and cheeks, watching as more drool spilled out and dripped from his chin to his chest, making shiny lines down his hairless belly.
I reached over and grabbed a thick brass cock ring from the counter. I tugged on his cock and forced it through the ring, then pulled his smooth balls through too. A perfect fit. The cock ring was tight around the boy's semi hard penis and hairless balls, and I could tell that when he got fully hard, there would be no way to remove it. I then grabbed my black ski mask and put it on. With that I flipped on the light in the bathroom and looked the boy over.
He was covered in sweat due to the heat, and he was now letting the drool spill from his lips, dripping off his chin and running down his small body. I saw that he was getting very hard. With the ring tightly around his cock, it had turned red and was being forced out and away from his body. I took the boy and turned him around to face the counter. I pushed him forward and lifted his cock so it was resting on the counter, making his legs quiver as he stood on his tip toes. Holding him forward by the handcuffs, I rubbed my hard cock up and down his ass crack. He had done a good job shaving and his ass was completely smooth.
I reached around him and stuck my hand in his mouth. Pulling a fair amount of drool into my hand, I reached down and coated his asshole in his own spit, sticking a finger inside him and feeling him squirm, unable to get away while being forced over the counter. I reached back into his mouth and let him taste his own ass. He tried to turn his head, but I kept it in place and gathered more saliva in my hand. I reached down and smeared the saliva on my cock, coating it in the teenage boy's drool. With that, I put the head of my cock to his asshole and in one thrust shoved myself deeply inside him. He tried to scream, but all that came out was a whimpering gurgle as he choked and gagged on the drool filling his throat. I stayed motionless for a few minutes, letting the boy get used to the pain and enjoying the feeling of this eighteen year old virgin asshole squeezing tightly around my cock.
With my cock as deep in the boy's ass as it would go, I leaned in to his ear.
"Is it everything that you expected?"
The boy nodded yes, even though I could tell he was in a lot of pain and his legs were shaking.
" I knew since you first contacted me that this is what you wanted. You are my slave now boy. I am going to do whatever I want with you and you will learn to like it. I am going to fuck your ass till it stays open permanently. I am going to use your throat like a pussy and fuck it deep and hard. I am going to video tape you covered in spit and getting face fucked. I am going to rent you out to my friends for sex. You are going to do things that you will never forget. Since you told me that your parents are out of town, I know that I have two weeks to prepare you for your new life. You might not like everything you are forced to do, but you will do it because you are a submissive. Your life is meant for serving other men sexually and I am going to help you realize that."
I paused to let the words sink in.
"I have one question to ask you and your answer will control what happens now. You will nod your head up and down for yes, and side to side for no. If you answer no I will stop this right now and toss you outside and it's like it never happened. If you answer yes, you are agreeing to let this continue. Do you understand?"
The boy nodded his head up and down, signaling that he understood.
"Do you want me to keep going?"
The boy took a moment, then slowly nodded his head up and down.
I knew that he would say yes. If he had been at home on the computer he might not have agreed, but with how horny he was right this moment, I knew there was no way he would want this to end. It was a good thing that I had video cameras hidden throughout my apartment recording everything that happened tonight, because now I had proof that the boy was voluntarily agreeing to be my sex slave.
With that, I pulled my cock out of the boy's asshole and took him by the hand. I pulled him into the shower stall and pushed him down to his knees. I put my cock through the ring gag and into his mouth. Slowly I pushed forward until I felt him choke and I knew I had reached the entrance to his throat. I still had about 6 inches of cock outside his mouth, and I slowly began to push it in. The boy choked and gagged violently as my cock pushed past the back of his mouth and entered his throat. He was gagging so badly I was afraid he would puke, but luckily he didn't. Without concern for his comfort, I continued to push my cock down his throat. I put a hand around his neck and felt as my cock caused his throat to bulge. I gave one final push and the boy's nose and face were now being pushed into my stomach.
With the boy helplessly gagging on the cock buried inside him, I began to piss. It felt so good to piss straight into this boy's stomach, and I could feel his throat tighten around my cock every time he gagged. I didn't release the back of the boy's head until I was finished pissing and when I did it flew back and the boy gasped for air through the ring gag. I looked down at him and spit in his face then slapped him hard.
"Did you like that boy?"
He nodded his head up and down.
"Good, because from now on, all you will be consuming is liquid."
I left the boy on his knees and retrieved a large bottle of warm milky liquid from the other room. When I returned, the boy was still kneeling in my shower, again heavily drooling out the sides of his mouth.
"I have something for you boy." I said as I set the bottle on the counter.
"From now on you will be fed only what I choose. I have your first dinner right here. It is a bottle filled with a mix of protein, semen, and piss. I have also crushed up several Viagra and some stimulants and mixed them in. I am going to put the neck of the bottle in your mouth and plug your nose. You will swallow the entire bottle or you will drown."
With that, I uncapped the bottle and shoved it into his mouth. I plugged his nose and saw him suck hungrily on it until it was empty. It was then that I knew this boy had made the decision to give himself to me completely, and I knew the next two weeks were going to be fun.