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  【Gossip】KinDO曾經的紅牌JP 同 Vito曾經不和,其實JP當年點解自殺?
Posted by: 硫柳汞 - 2018-07-24, 03:38 PM - Forum: Hong Kong Gay Spas, Saunas, Clubbing 香港男同志熱點【按摩、水療、桑拿、健身、旅館、酒吧】 - Replies (21)




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  Daddy Wants Some Too
Posted by: askaboy - 2018-07-24, 02:19 PM - Forum: Boys Love Stories 男同志小說 / BL漫畫 + Tumblr sharing - Replies (13)

It's been a month since I had a guy in my ass for the first time ever. And honestly, it's been a damn good month in my opinion. We spent every weekend fucking and playing video games since that was the only time his parents would be out and his sister is still at college.

It was another sunny day and I had my friend fucking my ass like any other weekend. My moans filled the house and the sounds of us fucking really made me hard like a diamond.

I then heard a sound, like the front door was opening so I stopped Brad, I wanted to make sure we were alone when he got started again.

"Brad, I think someone just came home, you should go check." I told him

He just kept thrusting into me and told me, "I am a few seconds from coming, so just shut up and let me finish. I'm sure it's nothing."

I decided to trust him since I assumed he was right. So I went back to moaning and true to his word,a minute after he went back to work. I felt my ass fill up with his cum. He kissed me and we decided to play some games to relax.

A few minutes later, we start getting thirsty so I offer to go to the kitchen to get two cans of soda for us."Bring me coke, not Pepsi or I will end you" He said as I left the room.

I went into the kitchen and heard the door open, his father walked in and I was relieved because I thought he came in earlier.

"Hey Lawrence, how was work?" I asked him, trying to be polite

"It was good, do you mind if I talk to you, privately?" He asked me with a serious face.

I didn't think much of it, considering Brad's birthday was in two weeks so maybe he was going to ask me on what he should get as a birthday gift.

"Sure, but let me take these to his room first." I told him, not wanting to make Brad mad.

"Just tell him you are going home because this is going to take a while." He said as he turned and walked towards his room

I got nervous because I assumed maybe he suspected something between Brad and I so he wanted to find out. I brought the soda to Brad and told him I had to go. He was confused at first but I told him that I had homework I needed to finish. That convinced him enough so I left his room and made my way to his parents room.

I knocked and his door and I heard him call me inside. He was sitting at his desk and he told me to sit down on the bed near the desk. I was slightly nervous but I didn't overthink this situation. He then turned in his chair to talk to me.

"John, I came in to the house and I heard some strange moans. I don't know who was making them so I want you to be fully honest with me, are you and my son watching porn together?"

I felt like I was sweating but I had to tell him the truth, he wouldn't let me leave if I didn't and this man could get a criminal to confess to a crime just by staring at him.

"Um, it's not that, I have been having sex with your son."I told him, avoiding his gaze.

He looked at me and for the life of me, I couldn't tell what he was thinking or what he was feeling, was he angry that his son is fucking a guy or is he confused by how his son could do that.

"Just tell me how it started, I want to know." He told me. I wasn't going to tell him the full story but I was still going to be honest.

"Well I was with Brad in his room and we were just playing video games, and he asked about my sexual history. When I told him how I once tried giving a blowjob, he asked if he could get one." I took short breaths to get this out before he could get angry

"He asked if I would try with him so I said sure. I began giving him head and he asked if he could fuck me. I always wanted to try it so we did. We fucked for a long time and we have been every weekend for the past month.If you want, I could stop and you won't have to worry about me having sex with your son." I felt hollow inside, like I betrayed my best friend and got him kicked out of my home

"Ok, I'm going to give you two options then. I could call your parents and tell you what has been going on, but my wife has been giving me the cold shoulder the last few weeks so if you show me what you and Brad have been doing, I'm prepared to forgive you."

He unzipped his pants, pulling them down along with his underwear and I finally figured out where Brad got his gift from. I was nervous but kind of eager because he looked like he tasted great.

I grabbed his shaft and started moving my hand up and down on it. He felt so hard in my hands and I was honestly happy.I finally had a new cock to play with and I love it.

"Now maybe you can taste it" He said, a smile emerging on his face.

I couldn't wait so I started to kiss his head, getting a taste of precum. It tasted nice and I knew I would fall in love with it. I stuck my tongue out to lick the shaft up and down, occasionally I would lick around the head to drive him crazy. So I would alternate between licking the shaft and licking the head pausing to hear him moan.

I then decided to suck on the head, moving slightly back and forth while using my tongue to slid around the head,thus increasing his pleasure so his moans became more audible.

He then reached to his night stand to grab the remote and turn on AMC. "Breaking Bad so tune out our moaning." He told me as he increased the volume of the show.

I took this chance to start sucking on his shaft. I angled my tongue to rub alongside the bottom of his shaft. His dick had veins that I loved running over and he tasted so nice. I loved his smell because he didn't get to shower and he is a business guy so he was still sweaty from walking around today.

I would take my mouth off to lick the shaft,moving up and down,enjoying every little taste.I then pushed him so he is sitting down and I started to lick and suck on his balls. They were so big it seemed like they weren't touch in weeks. So I savored every lick and and juggled them with my mouth a bit.

I saw him grab some lube from the night stand so I went back to sucking his dick. I started to try and deepthroat him. I went so deep I felt his dick hit my throat and I couldn't help but let a moan slip.

"God damn, I can see why Brad loves you. Now let me see the other reason." He told me, placing me on the bed on all fours.

I felt a finger slip in me, I thank Brad silently for getting me ready for stuff like this.It slid in and out, like he forgot I was fucked by his son less than an hour ago and was loose enough as soon as I walked in.

I felt him get on the bed and the greatest feeling I have felt in my life so far. His huge cock sliding into my ass. It slid in so easily we both moaned at how great it felt. I felt the bed adjust and then he started to thrust slowly at first.

"Fuck John, your ass is so tight and feels so great" I couldn't help but smile at that comment.

His thrusting became more rapid and our moans became more audible.Every thrust drove me closer and closer to an amazing orgasm. He took out his cock for what felt like a split second as he flipped me over so he is facing me.Instead of going in slowly, he went in and started pounding me like a jackhammer. Constantly pounding my prostate

Lawrence was really showing what a married man could do when he is all pent up and I am loving every single second of it. But then I felt like I was going to pop. As he pounded his dick into me, I felt my dick explode with cum and cover my body and even reach up to my face. He then yelled and I felt his hot cum coat my prostate.

He fell on top of me, his dick sliding out as his cum started to leak and wet the bed. He looked at me and kissed me, extremely happy at himself and me for what we did.

"That was so much better than what my wife could ever do. We should make this a regular thing." He said to me,smiling.

"Yeah I would love that" As I slowly fell asleep, cuddling with him before I drifted away.

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  史上最烂技师Kobby 已經被HugoSpa炒了
Posted by: qwer - 2018-07-24, 11:53 AM - Forum: Hong Kong Gay Spas, Saunas, Clubbing 香港男同志熱點【按摩、水療、桑拿、健身、旅館、酒吧】 - Replies (37)

我本身经常去Hugo spa,我跟reception说我想要一个稍微年纪不那么小的,会按的帮我按。
但是他一按下来我立刻痛的叫了出来,我说稍微轻一点,他就轻的跟 抚摸一样。
心想来过这么多次hugo 第一次遇到这种技师,
到了happy ending ,他还胡乱开价,我经常来我会不知道一般happy ending多少钱吗?
极差的一次体验 ,在此告诫不要再去尝试kobby ,特别是第一次去的人
会给你留下不好的印象 不過他已經被HugoSpa炒了

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Posted by: little potato - 2018-07-24, 07:48 AM - Forum: Hong Kong Gay Spas, Saunas, Clubbing 香港男同志熱點【按摩、水療、桑拿、健身、旅館、酒吧】 - Replies (56)

眾所周知啦,做sales隻腳啲肌肉成日好撚痠痛基本上係等閒事,但由於可能我好耐冇理佢既關係,日積月累之下,終於有日頂吾順而call sick。但當然你估我咁易就錯過呢個「假期」?我就把心一橫去做我想做好耐既事:按摩,實不相暪,早前見到有個post話Hugo Spa好得,又話果啲足球仔點樣正法,屌一於去試下佢,去緊途中,其實我不斷禱告「希望條足球仔係度啦」,咁人始終係膚淺既,我認我自己係喎哈哈!

終於去到間野門口,開門既係一個我諗一個拳頭可以打死幾個人既大隻佬 (雖然都好有型),可能我真係好撚心急,以致我一入房就問「我想問David今日係度嗎?」「佢係度啊,咦?fan屎喎專登黎搵佢,定你其實係佢啲兵呀?哈哈講笑咋」,唉我冇嬲,但我聽佢咁講完,感覺呢條仔應該都真係好多「fans」(6-pack + 鋼條身材喎,umm...正常啦?),而當我仲諗緊呢啲嘢時候,大隻佬就叫我入房等住其實我一路等,一路都好緊張,吾知佢係點既樣呢「咯咯…」,突如其來既敲門聲拉番我返黎「Hello,我係David」,damn
,omg,lol... 我當時見到佢,淨係諗到呢啲,呀仲有5個字:「樣靚身材正」!
因為佢一入黎就已經除衫,唉你叫我之後點忍啊男神?然後佢就叫我瞓上去啦&佢就開始落油同按啦 不過,同時間我都好理智咁講「David呀,我...我...想麻...麻煩你同我按多啲隻腳呀,份工成日企好痠痛」,「哦好呀,喂吾駛咁緊張喎,放鬆啲」,本來佢咁講完我就真係唔緊張 -- 但我想講佢之後同時間個心口壓落黎,立刻紅都面哂,都係嗰句啦:你叫我點放鬆呀男神?
平心而論,按功吾錯亦都夠力,至少我感覺到對腳啲肌肉係鬆咗。不過,要面對始終要面對,當佢同我講話要轉前面時候,其實我已經, 心諗咩形象都冇啦(小弟第一次所以比較care),個一刻,我知道自己忍唔住啦,喪摸果排6-pack朱古力,嘩你好結實呀!
HeHe方面只能夠講,男神果然係男神,我準備去沖涼嗰陣,乘機再摸多佢排6-pack幾下同攬住佢,實一實果隻 (係呀我係痴漢啦我認啦),「你...你而家...」「你想問我有冇拍拖?冇,但暫時冇對象,遲啲先諗啦」唉,都知冇行,男神一句落左我閘 -- 不過算啦,至少我試過呀嘛係咪??
David,我知自己係咩條件,不過我都諗通左,只要我下次、下下次甚或定時定候再黎按摩既時候都可以見到你就滿足啦,希望你都會係咁諗啦男神! (話口未完,打完呢篇文果陣已經掛住佢,我愛你呀BB豬!)

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Posted by: 1069 - 2018-07-22, 06:21 PM - Forum: Hong Kong Gay Spas, Saunas, Clubbing 香港男同志熱點【按摩、水療、桑拿、健身、旅館、酒吧】 - Replies (89)

1) 先來摸摸你抱抱你
2) 圍住條毛巾
3) 著住 undie / swimwear
4) 叫你等陣 然後入到嚟就話跟你一齊沖涼
5) 其他

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Posted by: CK Wong - 2018-07-22, 04:38 PM - Forum: Dating & Images Area 【男生交友區】(貼圖、分享) - Replies (19)

但最近發現左佢有飛機杯 跳蛋 玩pat pat既野之類 (仲有好多我都唔太exactly知道係乜既野)
覺得佢好似好黑暗, 有好多我唔知道既野咁
加上佢係我第一個男朋友 對圈既好多野都唔識
我應該點樣看待佢會玩 or曾經玩呢種野既事?
或者我太保守但我都唔知道自己個心係煩緊咩野事, 同埋點解會囉囉攣咁

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  李光耀孫子李桓武出櫃 曬與男友合照撐LGBT活動
Posted by: CK Wong - 2018-07-22, 04:12 PM - Forum: Gossips / News in Gay Community 男同志熱話/新聞區 - Replies (12)

[Image: yzOdDjlFhwRaPjFrXJHeDo5ZW6pAXFd93CN0l9wj...w1920r16_9]

在亞洲一些人對同性戀的態度仍然保守,公眾人物公開出櫃總會引來熱論。近日新加坡建國總理李光耀的孫子李桓武在社交網站上載與男友的合照,並加上支持LGBTQ活動「粉紅點」(PINK DOT)的相框,是首次公開表明自己的性取向。

[Image: N8TikXZ8Fv6b3IRNHD2TSA3ro-xHRbmnY_df5GP3X-Q?v=w1920]
李桓武在社交網站上載與男友的合照,並加上支持LGBTQ活動「粉紅點」(PINK DOT)的相框。(Li Huanwu fb圖片)

[Image: jR22Uemo0S5wMTbwbYDNrRRNC0hzASuzfr8Ko36_CqM?v=w1280]
[Image: E5OOeQEuAQX08Wuzo3djJKfZJAKNqo3UNgLFIDYCxSA?v=w1280]
[Image: bveeDHAhwKy3lK46qap-w0G6ZOGW-ct5pMX8AKTF_AA?v=w1280]
[Image: xphSUkVotwrA1TcK4dd-ZpZg-6wYtAHQRdQrkkXUK5I?v=w1280]
[Image: pFvw5E0Jp2tEmeIUaiNjwazuEzQPlstwPnPlXj5z5V4?v=w1280]



[Image: Kh7grWWyxB-yKOpJInMCftGao5qh7nRk0hdO0NIXTtA?v=w1920]
李光耀的孫子李桓武為out in singapore拍攝,公開表明自己的性取向。(out in singapore圖片)




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  中意左roommate 不能自拔 慘絕人寰
Posted by: Goblin - 2018-07-22, 03:52 PM - Forum: Dating & Images Area 【男生交友區】(貼圖、分享) - Replies (36)

我:「愛愛愛?!咁好多野唔work唔係因為唔愛丫嘛,係因為生不逢時,wrong timing呀!睇多啲書啦 middle 都有寫《曾經錯過的時間 曾經錯過的你》呀,兩個人相愛就work? 日日響個社會度叫你死基佬你又頂唔頂到?咪撚玩啦!」
佢無啦抱左我一下,就返左埋床?呢一下,突然觸動左我一年來冰封左既心,忽爾為我帶來左久別重逢嘅溫暖。佢斯斯然返左床,無左講咩野,但又補左句:「無論個世界點都好,你都唔會唔理我架可?」To be continues ...

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  part time bf
Posted by: Burger King - 2018-07-22, 11:51 AM - Forum: Boys Love Stories 男同志小說 / BL漫畫 + Tumblr sharing - Replies (8)

Anyone looking for or part time boyfriend or in need of private employers please kindly share your details below ?

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Posted by: 講呢D - 2018-07-22, 10:42 AM - Forum: Dating & Images Area 【男生交友區】(貼圖、分享) - Replies (35)

我係一個21歲bi top,

佢仲流左d shit出黎但係真係爽到爆"


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